
Glory (GLR) is a Fair Launched Community token that serves as the backbone of the GloryFinance Ecosystem.

Token Name


Token Ticker


Token Type


Contract Address


Max Supply


Initial Total Supply

10,000,000 Token

Initial Current Circulating Supply

500,000 Token (Max)

Initial Current Market Cap

$50k - $500k

Note that the Initial total supply, circulating supply and thus Market Cap will depend on the amount of ICO token sold. The total ICO token allocation is not fully minted at the start and will be only minted if necessary.

Unsold tokens in ICO will be burnt.

Initial Total supply details:



1,000,000 (Starting allocation)

Company reserve & Marketing funds.

8,000,000 (Starting allocation)


1,000,000 (Starting allocation)

The total token allocation for the ICO will be minted if necessary. Else, it will be added to the community token allocation. The total allocation for Company reserve & Liquidity will be minted over time and subject to governance.

Token Distribution


105,000,000 (70%)

Company reserve

11,250,000 (7.5%)


3,375,000 (2.25%)


15,000,000 (10%)

Team Token

15,000,000 (10%)


375,000 (0.25%)


Team token: The team tokens will only be minted after 1 year from the listing day and then locked for another year making the total vesting period 2 years.

Community token: The community tokens will be minted through staking/farming rewards and referrals.

Company reserve: The company reserve token will serve as the project development and marketing funds. The tokens will be locked for 6 months from the listing day and then will be subject to a Governance vote for usage. The total allocation will be minted over time.

Airdrop: The initial Launch Airdrop

ICO: The tokens reserved for the initial coin offering of GloryFinance. The unsold token from ICO will be burned. 1,000,000 tokens will be minted for the ICO as a start. The remaining tokens will be only minted if necessary.

Liquidity: The tokens are reserved for Liquidity injection. The total allocation will be minted over time.

Vesting Schedule

Company reserve/Marketing

Locked for 6 months. Then subject to Governance.


Locked for 6 months. Then subject to Governance.

Team Token

Locked for 2 year


Unlocked, sold or burned. Vesting depends on round.


Unlocked, Distributed

Last updated